Criminal Defense Attorneys Challenging Drunk-Driving Charges

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious charge in Virginia that can carry severe penalties ranging from fines and a suspended driver’s license to jail time. Just as important, a DUI conviction carries a stigma that can impact your standing in the community and your ability to get a job or find housing.

If you have been charged with a DUI (known in other states as DWI and other acronyms), seek out a skilled criminal defense attorney who can help you protect your freedom, your driving privileges and your reputation. We also represent college-age adults who have encountered legal problems with alcohol-related offenses.

Defending a DUI charge requires an effective strategy, a thorough knowledge of Virginia criminal law and police procedure, and a detailed understanding of how Breathalyzer tests and other evidence is gathered and processed. At Freeman, Dunn, Lucy & Coates, PC, we are experienced criminal defense trial lawyers who embody all of these qualities.

If you have been arrested for DUI and require quality, aggressive criminal defense representation, contact us today to schedule your consultation.

Protecting Your Rights After A DUI Arrest

The attorneys of Freeman, Dunn, Lucy & Coates, PC, are firmly committed to protecting your rights. We have extensive experience defending people accused of drunk or drugged driving and many other traffic violations. We will start working on your case right away by dissecting the case against you. We will determine:

  • If the police had an appropriate reason for the traffic stop that led to your arrest
  • If the police followed proper procedure when collecting evidence, or if your constitutional rights were violated through unlawful search or seizure or during police questioning
  • If the Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer was properly calibrated
  • If the police officer who administered the Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer test had the proper training
  • If the Breathalyzer or Intoxilyzer results were read correctly, including whether there were facts such as a medical condition that could offer an alternative explanation for the results

Based on these findings, we can provide you with an honest, straightforward evaluation of your chances and your legal options. We can negotiate with the prosecutor for a reduced charge or penalties, or we can proceed to trial. We will always leave the decision to you about how to proceed with your case.

We Are Here To Stand By You

Although a DUI charge can carry a stigma in the community, we are here to help you, not to judge. DUI charges are surprisingly common, and we understand that everyone makes mistakes. We will stand by you to protect your reputation and your dignity throughout the process.

If you are facing a DUI charge in Virginia, contact our Lynchburg office today at 434-234-8388 to schedule your consultation.