Estate planning can come with many difficult decisions. Making health care choices in the event that you can’t make them later may certainly rank toward the top. Laying out what you want may seem difficult, but it can make sure tough calls are handled accordingly.
Only one-third of all Americans have a plan in place for their later-in-life care. Wills and trusts can all outline how to settle your estate, but many planners will require important health decisions before those documents ever come to light.
Clearing the way
It’s crucial that you craft a blueprint for how your loved ones should handle your care in case you can’t. The decisions may be hard to make now, but imagine how much harder it could be if your family has to guess. You can use advanced directives to dictate the kind of care you receive.
Delicate decisions
The choices you make can cover a wide range. From granular options to broad-ranging ideals, you can set down just how you want the process to go:
- Choose someone to represent you in important decisions
- Outline medications that you approve
- State whether you want respiratory aids
Passing provisions
Your choices can even extend beyond your passing, and fill the gap before your will comes into play:
- Religious rites
- Organ donation
- Funeral planning
Forming a health care directive may not be a commonplace practice, but it can add plenty of benefits for you and your family. Knowing what it can cover is an essential first step towards creating a comprehensive plan.