For many people preparing for divorce, protecting themselves financially is a top priority. They naturally worry about how they should split the property they’ve accumulated during the marriage and how the behavior of their spouse might affect their future. In some...
Will I lose my kids in the divorce if I have a mental health challenge?
Parents going through a divorce may wonder if their mental illness can affect the court's decision on child custody, which is a valid concern because the courts ensure the safety of the children during the divorce process. For every 5 adults in the United States, one...
Is it always best to stay together for the kids?
You may hear people say that parents should avoid divorce. Their basic perspective is that because divorce is hard on children, perhaps leading to emotional outbursts, a decline in academic achievement or other things of this nature it is always best to stay together...
Are you headed to a January divorce?
Are you wondering if your spouse is planning to ask for a divorce? You’re not alone. January has the dubious distinction of being named “divorce season” because of the annual spike in new filings. Unhappy spouses often wait until the holiday season is over to break...
Can your ex ruin your credit score during your divorce?
You and your spouse agree to share finances when you get married. Some people even check the credit score of the person they think they want to spend the rest of their lives with before getting engaged. While good financial decisions in the past can be an indicator of...
Will you lose custody of your kids in your Virginia divorce?
You will probably have a long list of things to worry about when you think about filing for divorce or get served with paperwork by your spouse. Frequent concerns people have include what will happen with their home, whether they will be able to retire as planned and...
Marital property division in a Virginia divorce
There are a lot of components to a divorce settlement. One of which includes the assets you will be able to bring with you to begin your next phase of life. Ahead of your court date, you might be wondering if you will be able to keep the family home, or at least some...